United People Of Machghara
United People Of Machghara

Ms. Rabha Raichouni Eidi : Goodwill Ambassador for the UNDP Live Lebanon initiative

UNDP has appointed Ms. Rabha Raichouni Eidi as a Goodwill Ambassador for the UNDP Live Lebanon initiative. Ms. Eidi received an official welcome and designation letter from UNDP Resident Representative Mr. Philippe Lazzarini at his office in Beirut.

“While it is true that good deeds are rewarded, believe me, I genuinely have to say that if I ever do something good, I never think of the reward. To me, good deeds are what drive me in life and always will be. I am overwhelmed and I am grateful for this honor as I consider it yet another opportunity to renew my efforts. It is a big responsibility that I accept to fulfill and live up to with your trust and God’s will,” said Ms. Eidi.
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